This is the manifesto for a documentary film festival in Spain
At “Punto de Vista”, we believe…
That the first thing that film looked at was reality.
But fantasy has a part to play in the so-called documentary image.
That reality is simulation; and the real a mystery.
That cameras long to film the unfilmable, the invisible, time.
That film reinvents itself over and over again with every shot.
That the documentary is film as a subversive art.
That form is a filmmaker’s primary ethical commitment.
That filming can only be understood as a knowledge process.
We believe in images which would seem to have been created for the first and last time.
That the audience creates.
And films watch us.
That only form preserves vision.
We believe in documentaries which question the world.
In documentaries as vision. And creation.
That each film constructs the audience. Invents the audience.
That the screen is a meeting-point.
And the festival, a territory where film is thought up.
And we get to know each other through the vision of others.
From other points of view.