We recently had a filmmakers’ town hall meeting at the Substation. The event that sparked this off was the sudden cancellation of the filmmakers travelling grant given out by Singapore Film Commission. SFC has replaced it with a grant called “Inspire” which applies only if you have a pre-arranged meeting with a sales agent (ie there must be a potentially commercial outcome from the trip). Inspire came into operation 2 months ago, and its application isn’t clear. About 30 of us met to
I don’t have more details yet because we are still in the process of deciding what our “thing” is, who can join, how we vote and make decisions. All the basic stuff that makes a group a group, a country a country. Or we may not last beyond this issue. My view is we need representation within SFC and MDA so there are good sustainable reasons to stick together and then some.
The next next meeting is on Wed, 23 July, 7pm, Substation. Send an email to filmcommunitysg@gmail.com to introduce yourself and be added to the group. More on Inspire here httpa;//www.smf.sg, under “Business Centre / Funding”.
Taken by Substation