Sun Koh provides a glimpse into the the Pusan International Film Festival’s talent camp called the Asian Film Academy. Young people interested in filmmaking are invited to be part of this event, a residential camp (17 days). Every year different Asian faculty are invited to teach, Hou Hsiao Hsien, Penek were involved. Sun writes about her experience and talks about Mohsen Makhmalbaf’s underwear and Penek’s fork
“Many people have asked me “How was AFA?” upon my return from Pusan recently. The answer from me has so far been an immediate “F**king wonderful.” Then comes questions about the ‘whys’ and ‘hows’, followed by my inadequate attempts at relating my experience there. Although I realised that it is impossible for me to fully convey to you what it was that made AFA 2007 so “f**king wonderful”, this article strives to give you at least a feel of what impacted me during those 17 days of sharing.” Click here for more